This table was scanned from the Association for Maximum Service Television, Inc. filing titled "Broadcasters' Proposed ATV Allotment/Assignment Approach" filed in reference to FCC Docket 87-268. While I've attempted to correct errors in the scanning, some may remain. Please notify me if you find any. Refer to the column descriptions for an explanation of the data in each column.
Percent Call City State NTSC ATV ATV HAAT Matching Ch. Ch. ERP (kw) meters Coverage ---- ------------------------- ----- ---- -------- ------ -------- WCAX BURLINGTON VT 3 38 954.6 835 93.4 WVNY BURLINGTON VT 22 16 45.8 835 100.0 WETK BURLINGTON VT 33 32 67.0 815 100.0 NEW BURLINGTON VT 44 47 72.1 379 99.9 WNNE HARTFORD VT 31 64 119.9 677 99.9 WVER RUTLAND VT 28 56 5.9 427 100.0 WVTB ST. JOHNSBURY VT 20 18 20.0 592 99.9 WVTA WINDSOR VT 41 36 44.8 684 99.9
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