FCC98-24 Final DTV Channel Allotments - District of Columbia

This listing is now obsolete.

See the TRANSMITTER.COM Home Page for a link to the latest table.

This table shows the channel assignments for DTV (digital television, also called HDTV or ATV) in the U.S., as listed in the FCC's Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration of the Sixth Report and Order, FCC 98-24, released February 18, 1998, revised March 12, 1998. See the News Release - NRET8002. Please refer to the column descriptions for more details on the table. This information was extracted directly from FCC file et8002a.txt dated March 12, 1998. It is possible, although unlikely, that errors may have been introduced in the conversion process. If you find an error, e-mail me at dlung@transmitter.com.

                                                 DTV Service       Existing NTSC       Interference to NTSC  DTV/NTSC   
State            NTSC  DTV     DTV  Antenna  (During Transition)      Service          (During Transition)    Service   
   CITY            Ch   Ch    Power  Height    Area    People      Area    People       Area    Population     Match    
                               (kW)     (m)  (sq. km)  (thous)   (sq. km)  (thous)   (% NL Area) (% NL Pop)     (%)     
   -------------   --   --  -------  ------  --------  -------   --------  -------   ----------- ----------    -----    

District of Columbia
   WASHINGTON       4   48   1000.0   237.0    26989     6541      24745     6454        6.6          3.0       98.9
   WASHINGTON       5   36   1000.0   235.0    26351     6530      26711     6533        0.0          0.0       95.9
   WASHINGTON       7   39   1000.0   235.0    23331     6004      23215     6365        0.0          0.0       95.4
   WASHINGTON       9   34   1000.0   235.0    24624     6440      22883     6299        0.0          0.0      100.0
   WASHINGTON      20   35    231.6   235.0    17347     6010      17179     5746        0.1          0.0       96.0
   WASHINGTON      26   27     67.2   233.0    15070     5823      15606     5637       13.3          4.1       94.9
   WASHINGTON      32   33    194.3   213.0    13878     5588      14310     5777       10.0          2.3       93.5
   WASHINGTON      50   51     65.0   247.0    14147     5160      14207     5376        0.1          0.0       97.7

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Created March 14, 1998 by Doug Lung dlung@transmitter.com